Wavlength was a web application that allowed users to generate playlists based off their Apple Music listening history and recommendations.
Wavlength was developed as my final project for CS50w and was built using Django, the Apple Music API, and the Last.fm API.

Users could log into their Apple Music account through the Apple Music API and once logged in, they would be presented with two playlist choices: “For you condensed”, and “Recent recommendations”.

Selecting the “For you condensed” tile generates a playlist consisting of one song from each of the albums in Apple Music’s “For you” section. Selecting the “Recent recommendations” tile generates a playlist that picks songs from similar artists based on the user’s recent listening activity. The similar artists are chosen through the Last.fm API and the chosen song is picked from the artist’s popular songs.
Once the playlist has been generated, it creates the playlist within your Apple Music account and displays the list of songs and artists on the website.
The Wavlength walkthrough video shows all the features of the app, including registering and linking your Apple Music account, updating account settings, and generating and viewing the playlists.